This was painted using a reference photo of my son and his girlfriend. They were walking through an apple orchard on an apple-picking excursion with friends. When I saw the photo which was snapped by her girlfriend, I knew it would make a wonderful painting. We truly love her and it was a joy to do the painting. I gave the painting to her for Christmas. I was so very touched when I saw it brought tears to her eyes when she saw it. She is a very special young woman to us and to my son. The term 'girlfriend' seems very inadequate. It is such a joy to bring happiness to others through my artwork. This is watercolor on 140 lb cold press paper.
You have reached an exciting milestone in your painting when your work evokes an emotional response, and this has happened to you several times this year. How wonderful for you and your family that you are able to capture those loved ones with such loving clarity.
The first time it happened to me was when I painted a black and white painting of a father with his daughters. He was a farmer and the four young girls were in the scoop of his tractor and up high in the air, with their legs and arms waving as if on an amusement park ride. He was operating the tractor, giving them a ride. The girls were in shadow and were very vaguely done, but the memory of those times so many years ago touched him deeply and he cried, according to the daughter who commissioned me to paint it. Two of those girls died in early adulthood and that added to the emotional feeling for him, I am sure. He later wrote me a personal note in his elderly handwriting and told me how the painting made him feel and ended it by saying "you are an artist". From that day forward I have referred to myself as an artist instead of a painter.
What I am trying to say is you are an artist, also. Your portraits manage to capture something that tugs on our heartstrings, even those of us who are not part of your loving family.
From one artist to another, I wish you and yours a very blessed Christmas and the best of years in 2008.
the painting, as well as your sentiments, are just heartwarming, Doris. You have found your passion. ;-)
Wow, Doris! Since I've been out of painting for so long, I had no idea what type of work you did. Your paintings are wonderful! They evoke emotion in me, and I don't know the subjects! Fantastic!
Doris, today is almost the last day of 2007, I've decided to spend a few minutes clicking on and visiting all the blogs in my list of art blogs, and yours is the second one I have visited. This is such a treat! I've watched your progress over the last year with interest. I don't know if I've ever seen anybody progress as fast as you have!
Hi Mrs. Glovier! This is Jason and Camilla's friend, Michelle. Your link was just passed on to me from another friend of ours and I was so touched by the work you do and the inspirations that you have to do your work that I thought I'd write a comment to let you know. Your family is so fortunate to have you making such beautiful and thoughtful artwork and it's wonderful that you can touch the lives of others through this medium. Thank you for sharing this publicly!
Love, Michelle
This reminded me of a drawing my late mother in law did of Mike and I when we were in college. Your picture makes me smile to remember it. :)
When I first saw this on the WCW group I thought what a delightful painting and if I could paint a fraction as well as this then I would be happy.
You are one very talented artist
Hey, Doris! I hope to get more people to check out your awesome work, so I've tagged you! Rules are on my blog.
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